Blocked Sink

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Make those blocked sinks a thing of the past

Blocked sink? Is your sink gurgling, or maybe stinking out the house? It’s time to call the expert blocked drains plumbers Sydney trusts! There’s a number of causes of blocked sinks – and a number of solutions! Preparation, regular maintenance and good care of your sinks can seriously reduce your chances of a nightmare scenario – water flooding the kitchen, debris in the bathroom, or a sink that just won’t drain.

That’s when you need a plumber to come to the rescue! Our team are the plumbers Sydney trusts to clear any blocked drain. Our fully qualified and trustworthy tradies have between them decades worth of experience dealing with blocked drains of all kinds. We’re always ready to rescue you! Your blocked sink is no much for Sydney’s super plumbers!

When in doubt, call the blocked drain experts. We have over 30 years of experience in all kinds of plumbing – including drain blockages. Don’t wait around for an unreliable tradesman, but call the team who show up on time in a fully stocked van, ready to start work on the spot!

Call the experts – call now on 02 8583 2353.

Kitchen Sinksblocked sink unblocked

Kitchen sinks are prone to clogging. The build of debris including food, soap and detergent, oil, and grease can lead to a blocked drain. The best way to combat this is to be hyper conscious of what goes into the drain! If you scrape plates over a bin, rather than rinsing them, that’s a good start. So is limiting the amount of grease or oils that enter the sink.

Think about it – the drain is just for liquids. Water soluble liquids, too – avoid any organic matter, where possible, entering your drains! Unless it can be dissolved easily in water, it shouldn’t be put down the sink, or else you’re at risk of a blockage. Blocked drains in Sydney can be a really big problem, down the track, and can decrease the value of your property if not properly addressed!

That’s where we come in! As the team with over 30 years of experience dealing with Sydney’s blocked sinks, and we’re always ready to come to the rescue. We offer the best, most reliable service Sydney can offer. With GPS tracking on each of our vans, we can always find you the closest workman to your job, and get him to you A.S.A.P. So don’t wait – it’s time to call the experts!

Grease and oil can actually play havoc with your drains! Have you ever heard of a fatberg? A huge lumping of grease, fats and other matter, a fatberg can clog not only your own drains, but cause problems on the whole sewer network, leading to expensive repairs. To minimise the risks of blocked drains, or worse, be careful with the leakage of fats or oils into the sink.

Bathroom Blocked Sinkblocked sink in kitchen

Bathroom sinks can also lead to blocked drains. Dirt, soap scum and other substances can stick to the interior of drains, reducing water flow or pressure. These can develop into serious pipe blockages!

Skin flakes, hair, soap scum, shampoo oils, grease… all of these can lead to a blocked sink or blocked drains. If you’re shaving over a drain, or otherwise using greasy substances in the bathroom, such as hair gel, be careful! If it gets down the pipes, you’re risking a blockage!

Bathroom sinks are also often used as a receptacle for other bathroom waste. Items like wet-wipes, due to their antibacterial qualities, are also at risk of causing the notorious fatberg. Whenever a wet-wipe is flushed down the sink, you’re risking blocked drains! Every wipe contributes to the death of bacteria and microbes which digest sewerage and other organic matter, leaving your drains empty and unclogged.

Think about what you’re using to wash your hands, too – soap and water is the best way to go! Hand cream and moisturisers that may be applied after washing your hands should never be rinsed into the sink, as these may be overly greasy and contribute to your blocked drains woes.

Don’t leave a blocked sink overnight – we’ve got the team who are always on the go. 24/7 service is our speciality! Day or night, our Sydney plumbers work hard to protect you from the worst of blocked drain nightmares. So don’t sleep on a blocked sink, a gurgling sink or a stinky sink – call the experts today, and see what a difference our team makes.

So Call Now

If you’ve got blocked drains again and again, and no amount of plunging or flushing will clear them out, it’s time to call the experts. Get in contact with us, and we’ll investigate your problems and find the best, long-term solution to ensure your water is up and running ASAP!

Our technicians are always ready to go in fully stocked vans, and our work is fully guaranteed. So you can rest easy knowing that we’ll get it right the first time – and knowing your drains are in good hands! Reach out on 02 8583 2353, and be ready for some flawless plumbing!